Your hotel or BnB should be a space for regeneration, a space freed from stressful energies of everyday life or foreign energies.

Christian Plaschy

  When staying overnight in a foreign place, we want to be able to feel comfortable. Guests pay the price for a hospitable ambience, a stylish room and relaxation. This also includes a pleasant indoor climate - an energetically cleaned place.


make an appointment

Why energetic cleansing?

Negative energies can settle in rooms and objects. They are often found in places where there are many people, especially where people stay for a long time.

Christian Plaschy

Energy work has accompanied me for more than a decade now. I have learned to perceive energies in a differentiated way and have developed methods to free rooms and places from low vibrational energies. I am happy to support you in keeping the energy of your hotel or BnB pure.

Working method

It is important for me to know the concerns and needs of the customer and to create trust through a personal conversation. If you would like me to energetically clean your building or certain rooms, we will therefore make an appointment on site for a joint inspection of the building or the rooms concerned. This is followed by the energetic cleaning including a debriefing at the end.

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit Innenschau Plaschy beruht auf Verlässlichkeit und Professionalität. Wir waren beeindruckt von der treffenden Wahrnehmung und vertrauen auf die Wirksamkeit der Methode von Christian Plaschy." 

Innenschau Plaschy | energetische Reinigungen von Hotels

"Neue Ansätze für das Wohlbefinden. Vom Trend zum bewussteren Leben kann auch die Hotellerie profitieren."