About me

Spirituality and spiritual work have accompanied me for almost 15 years now. Among other things, I completed an almost four-year training in the field of personality work and spiritual work and have been teaching for the last eight years on the philosophy of the five elements, on meridian and chakra teachings, on systemic constellations according to DaSyt as well as on shamanic and other ritual work. Furthermore I have completed a 200 hours yoga teacher training and practice Taiji.
My focus in all these activities has always been to work through my patterns, encountering myself and my shadows more and more and to push forward my inner and outer transformation. While developing a so-called psychic ability has never been my principal aim, over time perception has changed and sharpened.

How did it come about that I offer energetic cleansings?

In the last few years I started to conduct energetic cleansings, as far as it was possible for me in terms of time and energy. I did this work, which was voluntary in the beginning, out of the idea that it is good for us humans and our environment, but also for all other living beings, if places and buildings are cleared of low vibrational energies or if the heaviness that burdens our society is supported with light work. Sometimes I was also visited by foreign energies at certain places or at night at home. I then usually had no choice but to dissolve or accompany these forces.
Energy work has become a constant companion for me. I could consider this ability as a burden, since I cannot always choose when I have to deal with it. Nevertheless, I rather see it as a gift to work with and to develop further.
Often, especially during my vacations, I encounter such energies and cannot simply ignore them. There were times when I found spending the night in foreign places unpleasant and exhausting because of the numerous energetic pollutions found in hotels. My rest was limited by the constant encounter with foreign energies; and that, although I had paid sometimes good money for the respective overnight accommodation.
I understood that there is a real need for energetic cleansing work at hotels and BnB's. A place where guests feel comfortable and they want to spend a restful night includes not only an appealing interior and friendly and professional service, but also energetically cleaned rooms.
I want to meet this need with my offer.

Would you like an energetic cleansing for your hotel or BnB?

Professional experience

2015 – 2022Teaching: imparting knowledge and working with the 5 elements, meridians, chakras and kundalini; systemic constellation work according to DaSyt as well as ritual work
2008 – 2022Worked as a scientific employee and jurist at various federal offices and institutes
2014 – 2019Course offer for building shamanic drums
2005 – 2008Legal internships and temporary jobs in management functions

Further training

2016 – 2022Various further training courses in the field of spirituality and ritual weekends
2018Certifikation in First Level Reiki Healing
2016 – 2018Specialisation in systemic constellation work according to DaSyt (170h)
2017Conventional medicine basics (160h)
bis 2015language stays and exchange years in China, Spain and French-speaking Switzerland


2023Holistic psychological coach at the Institute for Body-Centered Psychotherapy (100h)
2018RYS Hatha Yoga & Meditation Teacher (200h)
2011 – 2015Training in spiritual work and accompaniment (788h)
2005Master of Law (German/French)

Language skills

German, French, English and Spanish